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Gun Deaths in America

How many people in the U.S. are a victim of gun-related violence annually? Let's take a look...

More than 33,000 people are fatally shot in the U.S. in 2014.

Nearly two-thirds of gun deaths are suicides.

More than 85 percent of suicide victims are male ...

... and around three-fourth of them are men age 35 or older.

Another third of all gun deaths — about 11,000 in total each year — are homicides.

More than half of homicide victims are young men ...

... two-thirds of whom are black.

Women are far less likely to be gun homicide victims — about 1,700 of them are killed each year, many in domestic violence incidents.

The remaining gun deaths are accidents or are classified as undetermined.

However, terrorism and mass shootings, police officers killed in the line of duty, and police shootings of civilians receive the maximum news coverage.

The common element in all these deaths is a gun. But the causes are very different, and that means the solutions must be, too.